Saturday, September 12, 2009

Made in America? Can we say that again in 2010?

Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc CEO / Founder Rahim Thawer post this week “Made in America? Can we say that again in 2010?”

Manufacturing has been outsourced for many years due to various reasons from beefing up the bottom line of the major corporation to the political incentives for many politicians. The rules of the free markets are being defined daily and the front liners in Detroit are getting the feel for it. The manufacturing industry is fighting a losing battle not only in their own land amongst the consumers and government body but also on a global scale where they have to compete for the market share of their own product here in the USA. First there was the regulating the manufacturing industry as to how much of the toxic gases and carbon dioxide they can emit in the atmosphere. The EPA intervenes and sets those standards for the US manufacturers while the developing countries such as China and India have no set regulatory guidelines, so indirectly our own government, the government of the people rules in favor of the opposition, our competitors.

One of the other challenges that is a growing concern for the manufacturers is the unions. If we had no manufacturing plants, we would have no unions. These organized parties are simply running some of these manufacturers into the ground by demanding high salaries and benefits. The cost of goods produced keeps going up as all the external factors contribute to it from the price of oil for transportation to food costs due to fire in states such as California which is one of the major producers of produce.

Many manufacturers are not fully employing proper strategies and incentives that are consolidated in the stimulus package. These manufacturers also have to expand their horizons in markets that have never been on the agenda before. Such markets are India, China and Africa where there is an exponential growth in the middle class. If these manufactures are going to relay on the American Consumer, than they are headed towards unfavorable results and potentially a long time for their business to turnaround.

My Thoughts: Strategize, Re-formulate, Cut Expenses and Build bridges amongst other nations. Learn about other cultures and societies. Establish your presence on foreign soil even if it is a sales office with minimal staff. Keep “Made in USA” Alive!

Rahim Thawer /
CEO of Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc

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