Saturday, September 19, 2009

Entrepreneurs: Think Strategically.

Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc CEO / Founder Rahim Thawer post this week “Entrepreneurs: Think Strategically.”

A Strategy is a plan of action that incorporates appropriate allocation of resources and other events to help the organization attain its goals. Strategies are formulated at all levels of the organization for various reasons such as ways to reciprocate to the competitors, confront with difficult external economic times, and to effectively use available resources. We have encountered within a number of organizations that we invest in, that strategic planning positively affects a firm’s performance and creates a financial success.

Before strategies are formulated, the executive members have to identify the core competences of the organization and a proper situation analysis needs to be formed. Situation analysis is important to every company but crucial to an organization that is going through financial turbulence. We are observing many entities that are facing challenges due to the current economy and we need to look deeper into our business models and re-evaluate our goals.

Most organizations fail when it comes to the implementation phase. They can form strategies that may or may not be valid but the implementation phase is very challenging and even a professional can fail if it is not executed accurately. Take for example major corporations that we see file for bankruptcy and most of these entities are governed by professionals, so why did they fail? When in bankruptcy, the professionals take over and revisit the strategies that were proposed and to conclude at what levels did they fail.

Strategy formulation may include assessing the external environmental such as the economy and internal challenges such as cash flow. As we are experiencing challenges, formulate new strategies and incorporate all current factors and potential future challenges as well. Project your thinking five or even ten years out and form solid plan that will carry your forward, but don’t forget to constantly visit them. A business without a proper plan or goal in mind cannot sustain its operations and will end up going under.

Don’t forget to Implement!

Rahim Thawer /
CEO of Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc

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