Monday, September 7, 2009

Assisted Living Facilities: The Redefined Powerhouses of the New Economy?

Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc CEO / Founder Rahim Thawer post this week “Assisted Living Facilities: The Redefined Powerhouses of the New Economy?”

Every year thousands of golden agers Americans migrate to their new homes, the assisted living facilities and are left to spend the rest of their lives to play tennis and socialize amongst other retirees to start all over again. Should the younger generation be attentive to this elite breed of what is commonly referred to as the baby boomers?

After all who are these retirees and just how are they contributing to the current neoteric society? Just how have they enriched the American Culture and humanity in general? I call them the powerhouses of the future of America. These men and women are so strong willed that they can take on a project from start to finish and foster entrepreneurship all over again. These are the same individuals that where pioneers in the field of technology, manufacturing, healthcare, etc. A number of these individuals posses so much endurance and determination that they can surpass the energies of recent Ivy League graduates, no offense grads. It is the passion and enthusiasm that keeps them going day in day out. These retirees have a resume full of countless hours of experience and hard work; they have scars on their bodies to prove their contribution to the creation of wealth for many generations.

The current financial models are more complex and intricate then what has been capitalized in the past, however as we know most of the models are simply build on the old models. We need to replicate older models and build on them and go back to the basics. Wisdom is no longer part of the equation in many entities and destructiveness is being embraced which in return creates a so called short term positive aftermath. However at what cost are we forfeiting our values, morals, ethics, and business practices? These men are fine breed, or like a fine wine that is ready to be enjoyed. We need to get in front of these men of honor and do some serious note taking. We need to implement on their thoughts and ideas. Perhaps transfigure a little so that they may fit into our economic engine and replicate it into much broader spectrum, such as the countries with emerging economies. So much wisdom is stored into these men, and one of the factors that need to be part of merit is the piece of golden advice.

My Thoughts: The system these men put together a number of years ago was of an individual going to work every day working for one company for their lifetime and retire with a pension. What happened to that delicate system? Was this system driven out of business for us to create a New Economy for us? Well, the economy is so volatile in the current times that things change in microseconds and not days. So, we will either need to stay a step ahead of the technology. So, let’s pick up a note pad and head to these assisted living facilities, call grandparents to not only learn about their experience but also to ask some questions as to what would you do if you were in your 20s? So men and women of this great nation, all the best, I would love to hear some of the responses you get. On your way to the assisted living facility, pick up an old fashioned ice cream for them as well, they deserve it.

Rahim Thawer /
CEO of Waterbury Financial Strategies Inc

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