ATLANTA, GA (October 6, 2010) - After an in-depth study and simulation of E-net Financial Services, Inc. (E-net) capabilities, product line, and management team, Thawer Ashcroft Crowne & Co. has entered into an agreement with E-net that will create a joint entity, TAC First Fund Financial Services, LLC (TAC First Fund). This LLC will provide investors the opportunity to fund default-proof motor vehicle loan packages purchased from multiple motor vehicle dealers, and then after a six to twelve month seasoning period TAC First Fund will package these loans, and sell them as collateral- backed portfolios of fully funded assets.
The assets will have combined face values equal to or exceeding the total amount invested in TAC First Fund and will offer full security for the invested funds, in the event of a future default by TAC First Fund, a Delaware company incorporated in October 2010. TAC First Fund will be available to the pubic first quarter 2011 and will be marketed through E-net’s auto loan origination process that will revolutionizes prior lending practices in the automotive industry by modernizing antiquated processes and provoking efficiencies of scale, security, speed and economy. TAC First Fund projects auto loan sales in excess of $200 million by 2015.
“The automotive dealerships needs to be revitalized and new innovate models need to be incorporated into everyday activities to increase their revenues, E-net’s cutting edge software is the ultimate solution,” said Managing Member Rahim Thawer of Thawer Ashcroft Crowne & Co.
Thawer Ashcroft Crowne & Co.’s innovative and intricate financial investment models play an influential part in acquiring capital for various ventures through its nonconventional yet solid strategies, which entail offering an investment security via full collateralization of distinct asset classes. Thawer Ashcroft Crowne & Co is a pioneer in offering such security to all parties engaged, yielding favorable results.
Thawer Ashcroft Crown & Co. Contact:
Rahim Thawer, Managing Member
E-net Contact:
William Fowler, CEO
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