Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Green Revolution: Is it a Deception? Posted This Week by Rahim Thawer, Managing Director of Disruptive Strategies Inc

As we continue to experience inconsistencies in the financial structures of organizations due to external economic factors, we find inverse ratios are a success with constant influx of Green Projects! Substantial investment is being cultivated into the Green Technologies which is not only going to revolutionize each and every industry but also bankrupt many organizations due to requirements that are going to be set forth by public entities to incorporate these technologies into everyday uses. The Green Revolution is engulfing every continent and growing rapidly.

By no means am I opposed to the environmentally friendly products, or Green Revolution as a whole, but evaluating these technologies on the cost structure and pricing index models, the payout is much longer to procure its benefits on the monetary standpoint. It is purely a deceptive model that is bound to fail, but of course, how else can we make our profits, hire individuals to create these products and compete on a global scale. We are a progressive society that is driven by emotions, so why not channel them into appropriate uses and make sound decisions by incorporating budgetary aspect.

While the Green Revolution has already begun, we need to make it a part of our daily lives and understand the methodologies and longevity of these products. We will be seeing a total transformation of the whole humankind and the worlds we exist in as this technology is being echoed in every sector and industry. It would be rather impulsive and oblivious to think of this revolution as something insignificant. The government bodies and mega corporations have been spending millions if not billions into making this a reality and sooner than later it will happen. So I say embrace yourself, but make yourself a part of it by either innovating, investing, or engineering it, because it is approaching fast!

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